segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014

Wall decor w/ cheap frames + favorite pics

I always loved the idea of wall decor with photos. Because 1- I love pictures and 2- It helps me to remind special moments in my daily routine.

I've been in several stores and bought a few frames (from Dolar tree, from a local thrift store and tjmaxx), printed my photos on cvs (upload online and in the next day went to pickup and pay: this was really easy!), got some "command strips" (i love this!!!) and done:

I still want to put more frames but so far I liked anyway! 

2 comentários:

  1. Adorei as frames! Encontrei uma thrift store amazing aqui, eh uma da igreja catolica e a maioria dos quadros eh $0.50 ou 1.00, uma maravilha. Comprei algumas, agora soh falta imprimir as fotos e colocar na parede. hehe :)

  2. Eee! Que bom! Estou amando essas Thrifts stores! Uma amiga brasileira que morava aqui nos EUA antes me falou logo que cheguei e resolvi procurar aqui na regiao e achei duas! Tem muita coisinha que vale a pena! Bjs!
